“Urban Vibes” (UV) was created by Studio Scene a year ago when Street Dance was introduced. To achieve involvement of students of various backgrounds in Street Dance, Studio Scene held auditions to find individuals with potential talent to train in dance. 16 scholarships were given to by Studio Scene.
Urban Vibe by Studio Scene
Studio Scene managing director Patricia Siva elaborated,”…the Scholars had to undergo rigorous training in dance where they learn technique, style, musicality, and discipline. The hard work that Urban Vibe has put in over the last 8 months has resulted in various performances each of which were well received by the audience”. Urban Vibe has just turned 1 this April. Understandably not everyone could maintain the rigorous training and discipline demanded of Urban Vibe not to mention the sacrifices and commitment needed.
Daniel Cabrera, coach of Urban Vibe remembers the early days when a group of students came together.” The first few months was hard, but over time it was gratifying to see how much the scholar’s were willing to put in. Today their improvement is a continuous task”.
Urban Vibe by Studio Scene
Acknowledgement: Make by Body Shop, Photo Direction: Daniel Cabrera, Photo Assistant: Franz
(taken from 'RA unaccessible to some' from RanoAdidas.com, Saturday, 12 April 2008)