
Deepavali at Sham's

We did a bollywood performance for a deepavali celebration at Sham's place & ofcourse, the event planner for the event was our coach, Mr. Daniel Cabrera assissted by Marc, Alfie, Jon & Kai. Pictures!

Much love from the Urban Vibe Members.


Laneige Event & SOH Party

Sorry for the lack of updates everyone! Here're the pics from the Laneige event we did at the Mall for their recent product launch. The UV boys also got the chance to be the models for the Laneige Water Sleeping Pack Ex. Awesome day it was! (:

& on the same day, we went to SOH Cast Party.

Much love from the Urban Vibe Members.


Sound Of Hope Pictures

The SOH Charity Concert was a success. We would like to congratulate everyone who participated in this event from the organisers to the other performers as well as the audience who came to support this cause to help the poor and to abolish poverty in Brunei. Pictures!

PS. the videos will be posted soon! wait for it! ((:

Much love from the Urban Vibe Members (:

Raya raya.

Selamat Hari Raya everyone! :D