
Rano Posts: The Official Launch Of The Audi A3 Sportback

Last evening T.C.Y. Motors Sbn Bhd launched their latest Audi A3 Sportback at the Rizqun International Coffee House. Among the guests were Audi owners and potential Audi customers and members of the press. There were also performances from an invited Indonesian singer Adinda and our own local artist Maria and of course, performances by Urban Vibe of Studio Scene.

Hambali, Audi Sales Manager, made a welcoming speech with regards to the future of Audi in Brunei and also the specs of the Audi A3 which has a strong performance like a sports car. I’m sure this model will be a hit among our locals as the Audi A4 has also been selling pretty well.

Congrats to T.C.Y Motors Sdn Bhd on their launching of the Audi A3.

Sales Manager saying a few words

Launching of the Audi A3

The intro by Studio SceneThese guys are really activeA popular icon among BruneiansAdinda surely has the voice

(taken from 'Catch DPMM FC Tonight' from RanoAdidas.com, Sunday, 8 March 2009)