We are all familiar with the concept of heroes from myths, fairy tales, historical figures, world leaders, soldiers, and even athletes. But the greatest triumphs of the human spirit can also come from the ordinary people who walk amongst us.
Daniel Cabrera, known by his friends as "Dan", is one such person who has gracefully overcome some of life's most difficult challenges.
As an overseas Filipino worker teaching at one of Brunei's most active dance schools, Studio Scene, Dan's exceptional talent has been noted ever since he was very young.
In fact, not only has he been involved in major dance and theatre productions in the Philippines, he has also competed as a grand finalist on Philippine National TV on the show, "Stardance". With his versatility and talent, he was a natural choice to be a teacher for Studio Scene.
Dan had been a dance instructor in Brunei for less than a year when on a rainy night in October 2007, he had a devastating injury when he slip and fell.
His left arm was broken and his left heel was shattered into many pieces.
In what he describes as excruciating pain, he was rushed to the hospital where the doctors put two metal plates in his hand, and two metal supports on his foot. So severe was the injury to his arm that it hung from his side uselessly unless supported.
But perhaps even more devastating than the physical pain he endured was the news from the doctor saying he would never be able to walk or dance properly ever again.
"That really broke my heart more than anything," said Dan. "It's like telling a painter that his arm is useless or a singer not having his voice anymore."
During his long stay at the hospital, Dan could not help but sink slowly into despair. In extreme pain, and feeling useless "both as a person and as an artist", he sometimes felt he would rather be dead.
But something told him not to take the doctor's word as final. "I had to decide whether I should give up and lose hope or keep the faith and pray for the best." What followed was a very spiritual time for Dan.
After being discharged from the hospital, Dan wasn't capable of doing much.
He was unable to walk or work as a teacher, and even unable to travel home to the Philippines. For the first time in his life, he was handicapped.
As he continued to sink into depression, Dan decided he would continue teaching... even if he had to do it sitting down! Perhaps it was a little flicker of hope that drove him to do such a crazy thing.
"I conducted classes using merely my voice, and asked some of the older students to demonstrate the moves I could not explain verbally," said Dan.
"I thought it was a crazy idea, but I had to do something with my life other than just sit there and feeling sorry for myself."
To Dan's surprise, his students only increased in number! "They didn't seem to mind having a dance teacher in a cast. God is really funny," Dan said with amusement. His students only saw his setback as an inspiration.
Though the possibility of never being able to dance again still haunted him, Dan kept on as if he would be dancing again some day.
And sure enough, Dan recovered in only half the time that the doctors expected him to. At only five months, he was already walking, perhaps not perfectly, but good enough for him to know in his heart that it would only be a few months before he would be able to dance again.
On his first live performance post-accident, he was a bundle of nerves. "After the show, I knew in my heart that if I really put my mind to it, anything is possible. I know that God used me, and this accident, to change people's lives. I am glad to have been His instrument."
Apart from a deep spiritual life, Dan feels that he never would have made it through without the support of the people he now calls his "family": the doctors at RIPAS, Pat and Siva who rushed him to the hospital, Urban Vibe, as well as other people at Studio Scene who showed who where by his side during his times of greatest need.
More than a year after the accident, Dan feels unstoppable and has started learning new dances. He is also set to expand his teaching repertoire to ATOD tap and jazz at Studio Scene
"I'm really excited about life and what it has to offer. I'm excited to be in Brunei. I'm really thankful for the love and support I get from my family, and I will return that love by not giving up."
It is in our direst moments that life gives us the chance to become the heroes we truly are. Truly, no moment in life is wasted if we face it with a hopeful and resilient attitude. As Dan's favourite motto goes, "Carpe Diem"- seize the day!
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